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Page last updated: December 27, 2020
You Are Responsible Campaign on glider requirements draws to a close
  • Sunday, December 27,2020

You Are Responsible Campaign on glider requirements draws to a close

The Committee in charge of following up the implementation of the light air sports system concluded the activities of "You are Responsible" Campaign, which ran for two weeks. The campaign aimed at raising the awareness on the sport and hobby of flying gliders, the requirements and laws governing it, and the safe practices related to this sport. The campaign also pinpointed the places where practicing this sport is permissible in a manner that does not interfere with air navigation and ensure that safety requirements are observed to protect lives and properties. 

The Campaign featured a number of awareness materials that were shared extensively with all media outlets and posted on the accounts of the participating entities. Participants also include light sports practitioners who either took part in the campaign or submitted inquiries through the campaign channels and the participating parties.

Speakers of the campaign representing the participating entities took part in a press conference with the media during the launch of the campaign. They talked about the campaign, its objectives and the importance of its timing on such days of the year and answered the inquiries of the media representatives who attended the meeting. Discussions focused on the legal and technical requirements and the licensed clubs across the UAE.

The Campaign's main messages were published in several languages, with the aim of spreading the messages on wider scale. A variety of materials were presented, including visuals, short videos and radio messages, and designs published on social media networks as well as news stories. 

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